Adding a Desktop Shortcut for Dictanote on Windows

Anil Shanbhag
Dictanote Blog
Published in
1 min readDec 28, 2016


Adding a shortcut for Dictanote on Windows 10 is super easy. Just follow the 3 steps:

Step 1: Download Dictanote from the Chrome Webstore link.

Step 2: Open chrome://apps

Open chrome://apps

Step 3: Right click on Dictanote and select “Create Shortcuts”

This would create a shortcut for Dictanote on your desktop.

Step 4: It is more convenient to access Dictanote from the taskbar. To do that, launch Dictanote by clicking on the app. Then right click the app icon in the taskbar and select ‘Pin to the Taskbar’

That’s it for now. Do follow the Dictanote blog to get more updates.

