Use Speech To Text to type in WordPress using the Voice In Chrome Extension

Anil Shanbhag
Dictanote Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2020


Download from the Chrome Webstore:

Typing on your keyboard is monotonous, slow and time-consuming. Voice In makes it easy by letting you do voice typing (dictation). The Voice In Chrome Extension builds on the Google’s speech recognition engine to create an effective voice typing tool for Chrome. Voice In lets you move from voice typing (dictation) to key typing seamlessly. This way, you can dictate when convenient and type when more appropriate. You can also dictate and edit your text results right away, and continue dictating. No need to go through app modes or even stop dictation.

Voice In works in WordPress, both in the original HTML editor and the new glorious Gutenberg editor. All you have to do is install the chrome extension linked above. Go to a WordPress new post editor, place your cursor in the post body, click on the Voice In microphone icon at the top right and you can start dictating. Voice In supports many common punctuation by default like full stop, comma, quotes, brackets, etc.

Many writers / store manager who use WordPress end up using the computer for long hours which may result in different types of Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI). To avoid them the best way is not to sit in front of the computer for long periods of time. But, voice typing is one of the main recommended ways to minimize these risks, as it enables you to sit back comfortably, freeing your arms, hands, shoulders and back altogether. You can get back to typing once finished dictating for corrections & editing.

Voice In works not only in WordPress but also on many other popular websites. The extension has over 80 thousand monthly active users at the moment who use it to dictate emails in Gmail, answer custom service requests in Salesforce, etc. You can find list of sites Voice In works on here:

On the technical side, to get Voice In to work on WordPress: 1) We noticed that by default on, the post editor is in an iframe which has a content security policy that prevents extensions from modifying text, we detect and redirect users to post editor outside iframe so they can use Voice In. 2) The underlying editor element in WordPress is HTML, we added significant code to enable text insertion and handle new line/new paragraph in a rich text editor.

If you have any queries about Voice In, reach out to us at

